* a chance to find out about the wide range of services which local public and school libraries offer;
* an opportunity to recognise the vital role which libraries and information agencies play for research and education;
* an opportunity to recognise the contribution of specialist libraries for the work outcomes in corporations, government departments, hospitals and other institutions;
* a chance to debate our information future and government approaches to it and to associated issues, such as equity of access to information;
* a chance to emphasise the significance of libraries in the maintenance of our history and culture at community and national levels;
* a chance to recognise the importance of library and information services as providers of services for people who due to personal disadvantages have no other alternatives for accessing and using information;
* an opportunity to think about the role which libraries play in our local community, work and personal life.
This year’s theme is Think Outside the Book – we do things that are more than just books:
*Music, DVD’s
*IT support
*Baby Rhyme and Read
*Music For Little Ears
*Drop-in Days for Writers
*Homework Help
*Your Tutor
*Education and training and more