The saying goes “seven days without reading makes one weak” so why not Fuel Your Mind with winners of the Children's Book Council of Australia Awards. Winners of the Book Awards will be announced on the eve of Book Week, held from 16 to 22 August. Come into Orange City Library to see a display of the winning books or join in with the special Book Week storytimes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11am. Book Week is the longest running children's festival in Australia, celebrating its 63rd birthday this year. Picture books (please note some are for older readers) nominated this year are: The Peasant Prince by Anne Spudvilas and Li Cunxin; The Island by Armin Greder; You and Me: Our Place by Dee Huxley and Leonie Norrington; Ziba Came on a Boat by Robert Ingpen and Liz Lofthouse; Requiem for a Beast by Matt Ottley; and Dust by Colin Thompson and 13 other illustrators. The other categories are Older Readers, Younger Readers, Early Childhood and Eve Pownall Award. Visit the website to view the Children's Book Council of Australia Shortlist for your next children's book to read and see if you can predict the winner.