Storytime is a fun way to encourage children under the age of six to be interested in books and reading. Storytime returns to Orange City Library on Tuesday 2 February at 11am. It is held during schools terms on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays at 11am. Each session lasts about 45 mins. Pick a day you would like to come along, the same three stories and craft are usually repeated for each session so it doesn't matter which day you choose. Stories and craft are held in the Children's area of the library and there are also floor cushions and chairs. Preschool Storytime is free and helps prepare children for the school environment. And a reminder – reading to children at least 10 minutes a day helps with developing language and listening skills. Please note: As part of Slow Summer Celebrations Storytime will be held in Robertson Park from Tuesday to Thursday 9th – 11th February 9 – 11 at 11am. Meet at the bandstand. See you there!