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I spy with my little eye……

There are so many amazing things to discover in nature. Can you see any treasures hiding here?

See how many challenges you are able to complete, using our Nature Eye-Spy.


Pinch and zoom in to see how many of these objects you can find in the Eye-Spy photograph.

Tricky Questions

  1. What is the teacup and saucer made from?
  2. Name the animals from which the skulls belonged?
  3. The fish fossil is called Cavenderichthyes talbrgarensis. What does the “ichthy” in the name mean and what is an ichthyocoprolite?
  4. The glass pieces were found on a beach. What do you think has happened to make them no longer shiny and glassy?
  5. What type of bird is the yellow and black feather from?
  6. How many pine cones can you see?
  7. Which rocks are made from silicondioxide (SiO2) and how many are there in our I Spy?



  1. Write a three sentence story about something you see in the Eye-Spy. You can email it to us at [email protected]
  2. Make a scrap book about your house and garden like the one in the Eye-Spy. You could use drawings, photos and pressed flowers; anything you like. We’d love to see it when the library has re-opened.
  3. Take a photo of a treasure from nature – upload it to instagram with the hashtag #cwlispy and tag us @centralwestlibraries -we can’t wait to see what you find!