If you are not sure what to read next, the recommendations of others may help you to choose. Have you read, watched or listened to a title you loved? Tell someone else by adding a review to the record in the Library catalogue. It's easy to do but you will need your Library ID and PIN. Here's how:
Look up the title > Click on the link to bring up the full record > Click on Add your review. Give the title a rating and write a few lines about why you liked it > Submit.
The reviews are automatically sent to the moderator before they are included on the title's record and are available for the world to see. Your first name and location will appear on the review. To find other reviews, click on the New Resources > New Ratings and Reviews link on the left sidebar of the Library Catalogue. In June we will look at the new reviews and pick out some favourites to win a prize and go onto the Library blogs. So start reading and have a go.