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In Honour of F.O.O.D WEEK

By April 10, 2015No Comments

imagesCAGYB1ZRFor F.O.O.D Week and the Centenary of WWI we are looking at recipes published in The Leader – the local paper of the day. Recipes included wafer puddings, grape marmalade, fancy biscuits, fish custard, French creamcakes and prune meringue. But we thought the wartime recipe of Patriotic Pudding might be the go: Ingredients:—-Take 1/2 pound flour, 3oz. butter (or beet dripping), 3oz castor sugar, one egg, one teaspoonful baking powder, a little milk and  two teaspoonfuls jam.  Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add flour and egg alternately; stir in milk, and lastly baking-powder. Grease basin, spread jam at the bottom and the mixture and steam for two hours.